As a child I would eat a boiled egg in an egg cup, which I thought was mine. It looked like a chick. My sister's was Mickey Mouse pulling a wagon. They had always been there and where old. When I moved out of my parents house, many years ago, I went to pack it and Dad said, "no, that is mine". I never knew that. After Mom died, 21 years ago, and Dad remarried, he let me have 'my' chick egg cup.
A few years ago I made an elephant egg cup, which sold. Then I made an R2-D2 and a chick for my two oldest grandchildren. Three more grandchildren have arrived since then. Last winter my daughter informed me her soon to be 3 year old daughter needed one. I made her a turtle.
I was on a roll. I made two turtles, one lion, one elephant, one chicken laying and egg and a duck, who's tip of her beak got nicked. She'll need another dip in the kiln.
The other grandchildren will have to wait until they are old enough for them.
Clay must be bone dry to fire or the trapped moisture boils and the piece explodes.
I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did making them.