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Monday, September 3, 2018

Pitchers for Wine, Milk, Cream, Maple Syrup

I make these pitchers by rolling out clay and forming them around a piece of tarp-paper. The clay has to be a bit wetter than leather hard before I form it into the pitcher shape.  I find if it is leather hard the clay cracks while rolling it into these pitchers.  If it is too soft it won't hold its shape when I stand it up.  A bottom is put on it.

I cut out the spout from clay using the tarp-paper form I have made for a spout.  I put the tarp-paper spout form against the pitcher and with my pin tool I lightly score around it, marking where the spout will go.  I then cut out the clay about 1/4" on the inside of my scoreline for the spout.  I slip and score and attach the spout to the pitcher. To reinforce the spout I put a coil of clay under it and leave it as a coil to add an accent.

My handles are either pulled or put through my extruder. For the brown, white and black pitchers I cut out a long narrow piece of clay from the clay I used for the pitcher then roll it around to form the handle. These pitchers are made from stacking brown, white and black clay.  I then put this clay in a bag for a couple of weeks to allow them to stick together.  I slice out pieces of this clay and lay them on my slab roller to roll out flat then cut out the pitcher shape from my tar-paper form.  Each one has a different design depending on how I mixed the clay.
 The pitcher is left to dry under plastic.  I lean the handle against the roller of my slab roller to hold it in place, keeping it from flopping down until it is stiff enough to stand by itself.

Here are the tarp-paper forms.  I have 3 sizes for tall, short or narrow pitchers.